Body Scans

Body Care Scanning Services for Men and Women

Body Care Scanning provide a high quality, affordable diagnostic medical ultrasound scanning service, which can be accessed either directly via self-referral or your General Practitioner. This may because you wish reassurance/screening, have health concerns or may simply wish to avoid NHS waiting times.

Our aim is to provide you with a service to increase your knowledge and information about your body, enabling you to further care for your health, and to seek medical assistance if your scan results or clinical presentation indicate this is required. Please do call to discuss any questions or concerns that you may have.

All Body Care Scans are performed by an experienced State-Registered Clinical Specialist in Medical Ultrasound with 30 years NHS and private experience and who is a Member of the British Medical Ultrasound Society.

To book an appointment or for more information about scanning services, please contact us via:

  • email:
  • telephone:   07834 815383

Your scan will be take place in a relaxing atmosphere, in a lovely surrounding, within our dedicated Ultrasound Scanning Suite 8, Inveralmond Business Centre, Perth, PH1 3FX.   With us, you will find that Time is not constrained and Care is a Priority.

We offer a range of Examinations including Upper Abdominal Scan, Renal or Kidney Scan, Aortic Screening, Female Pelvic Scan, Male Scrotal/Testes Scan, Breast Scanning for women and men and also “Lumps and Bumps” examination.  Please see below for further details.  For Breast/chest wall Scanning or Lumps and Bumps, please call, text. WhattsApp or email for further information or to make a booking.   



Pelvic Ultrasound Examination (for women)

Assessment of the Uterus (womb), Endometrium (lining of the womb), Ovaries and Adnexae or Pelvic area.

Self-referral or via GP

Common problems which ultrasound can show are:
Ovarian cysts;
Ovarian cancer;
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease/Infection;
Polycystic Ovaries;
Abnormal thickening of the lining of the womb etc.

Some Common reasons though not all, for performing a pelvic examination include:

Screening for Ovarian Cancer or other abnormalities;
Pain or tenderness in the lower abdomen;
Irregular, Heavy or Painful periods;
Bleeding following intercourse or between periods;
Bleeding after the menopause;
Swelling or bloating of the tummy;
Family History of Ovarian cancer;
Presence or position of IUCD or IUS (commonly known as the Coil).
How is the examination Performed?
The Pelvic examination is performed by placing a hand-held probe on top of your lower tummy and moving it gently around (transabdominal scan).  You must have a very full bladder, to provide a fluid-filled “window” through which the ultrasound can pass, and thus make your organs visible. Without this, your examination is compromised, or at worst, not possible. You are therefore required to drink 1.5 pints of water, or water with diluting juice, exactly one hour before your appointment (no later please). This allows one full hour for the fluid to travel round your body and eventually reach your bladder.
On some occasions, following the transabdominal scan, you may be offered an internal or transvaginal scan (a very slim finger-like sheathed probe which is placed into the vagina).  If this type of examination is advisable, this will be explained to you at the time, and is only performed with your understanding and full consent. Unlike a smear, a speculum is not required – the examination is very simple, should not be painful and it normally only takes a few minutes to perform this type of scan.  Your pelvic area and legs are covered with a towel during this examination to keep you warm and to perform the examination discreetly.


Who is the examination for?
The examination is provided for women of all ages (minimum 18 years of age).

When do I receive my results?  

 Your results are available immediately and will be explained to you at the end of your scan.  In addition, a written report will be provided which can also be forwarded on to your General Practitioner if you require.
 The cost for a Pelvic Scan is £170.

For Men and Women:

Upper Abdominal Ultrasound Examination

Assessment of the Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas, Spleen, Kidneys, major vessels etc.

This examination is for men and women.  Self-referral or via GP.

Ultrasound can detect an extensive range of pathology in the Upper Abdomen some examples of which include Fatty Liver, Gallstones, tumours.

There are many reasons to perform an upper abdominal scan ranging from Pain, abnormal blood test results, change in colour of stools etc.

You will be asked to lie on the Ultrasound couch, hold your breath for a comfortable length of time, and to move into different positions to enable your anatomy to be fully assessed from different directions.

Loose clothing is advised, and for women, a two piece, such as trousers and a top or a skirt and top are best.

It is essential that you FAST for 6 hours prior to your appointment time, including no chewing gum or sucking sweets.  You are permitted to drink still water.   This is to reduce gas in your tummy, allowing us to see your internal organs more clearly.

Your results are available immediately and explained in detail.  A written report is also provided with any required recommendations, which you can take to your General Practitioner, if applicable.

The Upper Abdominal Scan can last up to 50 minutes and costs £170.

Renal Tract or Kidney Ultrasound Examination

Assessment of the Kidneys, Bladder and for men, the prostate also.

This examination is for men and women.  Self-referral or via GP.

Reasons you may require a scan for the health of your Renal Tract include urinary infections, blood in the urine, pain in the kidney region etc.

This examination can assess for kidney stones, tumours, cysts, obstruction to the kidneys (kidneys do not drain properly), blockage in the ureter (the tube that takes urine from the kidneys down to the bladder), incompetent emptying of the bladder including residual volume assessment and in men, prostate enlargement.

You will be asked to attend with a very full bladder by drinking 1 pint of water a full hour before your examination time.

Your results are available immediately, and explained to you.  A written report is also provided which you can take to your GP if required.

The cost of the Renal Kidney Scan is £170.


Aortic (Aorta) Ultrasound Examination

Assessment of the Aorta and Iliac Vessels.

Examination of the Abdominal  Aorta and the Iliac vessels in the pelvis, to assess for the presence of any aneurysms or widening of these major arteries.

There is now NHS Aortic screening for men 65 years and over, however for men younger than this, and for women, we can provide this assessment.

If there is a family history of aneurysms, then screening may be advantageous.

You will be asked to fast for 6 hours prior to your examination, drinking only still water, in order to provide clear images of the vessels.

Your results are available immediately, and a written report is also provided.

The cost of Aortic Screening is £140.


For Men Only:

Testicular or Scrotal Scan.

Self-Referral or via GP.

This is an examination of the scrotum, including testes and epididymides (the tubes located at the back of the testes).

Common Problems which Ultrasound can show:

  • Epididymal Cysts – complex and simple;
  • Epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymides);
  • Testicular Cancer;
  • Benign tumours;
  • Hydrocoele (fluid within the scrotum).

Some Reasons for performing a testicular scan, though not all include:

  • Screening/Reassurance that all is normal;
  • Swelling in the Scrotum;
  • Pain in the scrotum;
  • Presence of a lump or suspected lump;
  • Blood present in semen.

How is the Scan performed?

The scan is performed in a completely discreet manner.   The usual comment from our male clients following the examination, is that they did not realise just how simple and dignified the examination would actually be!

You will be asked to lie on the couch fully clothed, and a large towel will be placed over your waist/pelvic area.  Only the scrotum will then be exposed in order to conduct the examination, which is supported in place by an additional towel underneath which you will hold together with the pelvic towel.  The examination is painless, and does not take long.  Warm Ultrasound Gel will be placed on the scrotum to conduct the examination and a small hand held probe is moved over the scrotal area.  You will then be given privacy in order to remove the Ultrasound Gel, using the towels, when the examination is completed.

Your results are available immediately, and explained to you at the end of the scan.  A written report will also be provided.

The Testicular Examination costs £140.

The Baby Scan Company