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The Baby Scan Company is the passion and heart of a State Registered Medical Ultrasound Clinical Specialist, providing a range of 2D, 3D and 4D Baby Scans, serving the areas of Perth, Dundee, Pitlochry, Fife, Stirling, Angus and the surrounding areas. Our Clinic is based in Perth.
We extend you a Warm Welcome! You are pregnant – please accept our sincere Congratulations on your little Miracle!
The Baby Scan Company recognise that this is a complex time for you, and so we have set out with the Mission of sensitively delivering a range of scans designed to make this time extra-special, whilst recognising the uniqueness of each little baby, and the journey that you now find yourself on! We will take pleasure in our role of sharing this special time with you, as we reveal your baby, their development, their activity, their growth, their habits, and simply put, their preborn life, all within Mummy’s tummy! Life is exciting indeed!

Please browse through our website, and also visit the “Scans Available” Page (click on the Circle above entitled “Available Scans”), to see where we can partner with you, and bring a fresh Dimension to your pregnancy, as you relax, and learn, and grow to know and love baby even more, in our luxurious spa surroundings, whilst achieving the objective of your scan. From this page, you can also Book an Appointment using our hassle-free online booking system.
2D and 4D Scanning
All our scans are special. We provide longer than normal appointment times allowing you to relax and learn, promoting bonding with your baby as you become acquainted with them in their early life. We thoroughly show you baby and provide lots of scan photos – there is never any rush at our scans!

Your scan will be performed by an Ultrasound Clinical Specialist, who is highly experienced and skilled, and is committed to delivering the best experience possible in a relaxing atmosphere, within luxurious surroundings, with that added “spa” element!